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Thursday, November 27, 2008

Creativity Rocks!

Dogs food advertisement

Doggie smelling ability is far more better than any human. And the marketer put some dog's food smell with the advertisement too. That's why it can easily attract any doggie and the owner have no choice but to pay for their delicious food.

Pretty clever, as the marketer implemented the newest marketing tool, smell. It is the most powerful marketing tool as the smell can attract people from far away or even he do not pay any attention on it. Good job!

Newspaper issued out free bed sheet for their customer

I got nothing much to say, just "I want it too!"

In fact, kinda tricky as they knows men can't resist beautiful girls and thus we will sleep with your brand icon everyday, every night.

Coffee shop advertisement in New York

Just staring at the advertisement, even myself got some kind of weird feeling gonna get a cup of hot coffee now. Some kind of mental control?

Gym Centre Advertisement

I was speechless when I found this advertisement. Just one word, speechless.

Safety Glass Advertisement

The advertisement stated that for anyone who can broke the glass, he/she is allowed to take away all the cash. It should be pretty easy to get the god damn cash but the cash still remains on the street. Seems everyone is rich enough? O_o

Jobs Portal Advertisement

Another speechless advertisement. It hurts when I watching it because getting the right job is so difficult nowadays as I found out specialization is much more deadly as you cannot see the big picture of the whole industry and it's pretty slow for people to grow. :(

So far what I know is, creativity is the only things that makes marketing people survive. The Forbes can almost predict any business trend for the next 5 to 10 years accurately and just few industry they cannot predict at all. Creativity business is one of the category that nobody can predict the trend, market size, and profitability. So, it can be anything. :)

What are they doing?

Refer to the picture below, and guess what they are doing in the pictures

No idea what's they are doing right? seems like big companies having promotion and sending out free goodies right?

In fact, it's a job fair in Nan Jing, China.

(Refer to: http://luqiao.zjol.com.cn/newscenter/china/120081122/1071536.shtml)

I just received this link sent by my friend regarding about jobs fair in China, oh my god, you cannot imagine the crowd

Can you imagine the crowd?

We always complaining about our job and thinking to join another company which provides higher pay and lesser tasks. However, if we put ourself in the situation in China, Then better to rethink the statement again. People are fighting for a position there and now you keep on complaining about your stupid job? Get a life man, nothing is perfect, so do our job.

Sometimes we need to be glad to remain in a peaceful situation and do appreciate it.

I am in love...... with Paul Desmond

I think I am in love.

Really! I am in love with Paul Desmond, a famous saxophone player at 70's. No idea how powerful he was? click the youtube window below. The song is the waltz "Emily" by Johnny Mandell performed at the Monterey Jazz festival in 1975.

Nice? This is just tip of iceberg. I have tried so hard to search for one of my favourite song by him.

Unfortunately, I failed due to the song is just too old.

But thanks god, I have a copy and I just upload it to Muzicon.

Here you go,


Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Zhi Ling Jie Jie, Bring it on!



Big sister Zhi Ling, glad to see you diversified into movie industry. Although it's just a director of a music video, but it's a good start!

Keep it moving. :)

Living Cost in Japan

People always talking about living cost in Japan is the most expensive among the whole world, but we only know, "oh, it's expensive". But if you probe me another question, "how expensive it will be?", surely to say, I have no idea at all.

Today, I just simply surfing and accidentally found a web called sakura-house.com. It's a user friendly website that helping people to get a room in Japan especially Tokyo area.

The link shown as below,


Still do not have any idea about the living cost there?

Here you go. (Sorry, it's in Mandarin but they do have a lot of languages to choose too)

Look at the monthly rental rate (月租金), 134,000日元, 125,000 ~ 155,000日元, 70,000-80,000日元, etc. Still cannot feel the pain? let me do a simple calculation, we take the cheapest rate, 70,000yen divide by our conversion rate 27 and it will equal to RM2592.59!

WHAT?? ARE YOU REFERRING THAT THIS IS YEARLY RENTAL RATE? nope, this is the monthly rental rate of ONE ROOM in Tokyo area.

I wish one day I have a 3 months life experience in Tokyo, but after knowing this kind of insane rate, it pissed me off. :(

There is only one solution, earn more money... :)

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Jay Chow New Music Video

Ultra funny and lovely too!

And suddenly I think about bighead who always likes playing Dota while singing songs. I wonder how's he doing now.

Why are you making me cry?

I accidentally found these comics from forum, and it's so sad.

Actually, I saw some of the stories from newspaper or T.V. too. And I still remember people crying or howling our loud. Especially for the guy in "I must be strong", or named Chen Jian, all the rescue team members cried because they spent 70 hours with Chen and Chen never give up about the survival. But at the very last minute, Chen passed away because of serious injury.

Besides that, same goes to "Just One More", The PLA actually were 3 men and they cried in front of everyone, screaming that they could go for one more and the others stopped them because they gonna evacuate from that area due to minor earthquake waves. One of the PLA said:"I can heard there were a lot of kids crying under the concrete and they were still alive!". From the T.V. The whole PLA sub-team cried because of this.

Sick bastards, why are you making me cry now... T_T

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Diablo III Imba Wizard Preview

As you can see. The spells are so damn cool!! & did you guys realized something? The characters for Diablo 3 can be customized. So, it will be great if i can create my own ideal hero!! It can be a mucho guy with huge axe or a hot assassin with curvy body! haha

But i wonder when will it released. And is it single player game or something similar like World of Warcraft™. If Diablo III need to pay in order to enjoy. Bah, i will just simply pay for it blindly. How about you guys?

I need a Camera

Gosh... I need a camera. No matter what.

Last Saturday i went to class with George. After we finished the class, we passed through Bukit bintang there and saw a lot of Malay kids fooling around (those "La-La" type). It seems like some kind of gathering for them and i wondered what kind of was that.

After had a dinner with George and his friends in Pavilion, I went back alone again and saw those Malay kids still gathered there. At the end i found out what's going. In fact, it was Maxis event with dancing competition. That's why a lot of them gathered there and were trying to give their best shot and win the prize.

At the another corner, i found out there was crowd. So I tried to join the crowd and figure out what's going on there. It shows below:

Guess what? It was a traveler's band having life concert there! They were playing bossa nova type of song, and it's nice. They were fully equipped with guitar, mic, drum, amplifier, flute, etc. Mean while, they put some self-burnt CD and a hat in front of them.

From their skin color, i predict they are from either Japan or Korea. I really admire they have the guts to travel and do things in their own way.

What? The picture is not clear? Oh sorry, my bad. Because i was using my damn lousy Sony Ericsson T610i, 2.0 megapixel camera phone to take the photo. Of course it's sucks. T_T

That's why i wanna get a new camera! to take the snap shot for every little moment.

So guys, do you have any nice, cheap camera with good condition to introduce me? I don't mind it's a 2nd hand camera.

Here are some snapshots with my silly camera.

I know it's not clear, stop complaining about it. T_T

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