This is the solution, but you might not like it
To connect an Android phone to a Windows PC, usually there are two steps:
1. Uninstall current Android USB drivers
2. Install new correct Android drivers
You accomplish 1 by downloading USBDeview to your PC. View all installed/connected USB devices on your system then unzip it and run USBDeview. Right click on each Android driver and delete it.
You accomplish 2 by going here Android 1.6 SDK, Release 1
and downloading the whole Android SDK (software development kit) onto your PC. Extract it to a folder so you can look inside and find a sub-folder called usb_driver. Either move it somewhere easy or take careful note of it's exact location.
Now go to your Android device. Open Settings --> Touch Applicatons --> Touch Development. Tap USB debugging to enable it. Then back out to the home page.
Connect your phone to the PC via the appropriate USB cord. Windows will open its New Hardware Wizard. Check that you will tell Windows where to find the files, and Browse to the location of the usb-driver folder. OK will ungrey and if you click it, the correct drivers will, at last, be loaded.
Almost finished. Now disconnect the phone, and repeat going to Settings --> Applications --> Development. Tap the debugger again to disable it. Back out to the Home Screen. Now connect your phone to the PC. It will be recognized, but in order to see and manipulate the SD card files, there's one more step. Pull down the little white bar at the top of the Android Phone screen. You will see a Notification "USB connected". Tap it and you will be given an option to Mount the phone. Touch Mount.
Now the any File Manager (Windows Explorer, etc.) will see your phone SD card as a separate drive. You can copy, move delete, whatever.
Quite a process, but once done, all you will have to do is connect the phone to the PC and pull down and Mount it.
There are plenty of solution in internet, however none of them working for me. Until I found this and tried this, it is the working solution for me. Good luck for you too.
Danny Choo
In the middle of revamping the site slightly in preparation for some new
blog posts ;-)
All the old stuff is in the Archives.
4 years ago
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