Yes, it's "You" again! :(
When you received this error, your sound system will gone. There are plenty of solutions out there asking you to format, download latest patch from Microsoft, re-do the PC registry in MS DOS mode, etc.
But trust me, I've found the best solution that is so easy and works like magic.
You just need to:
Go to "Start" --> Run --> Type in "services.msc" --> go to option "Windows Audio" --> Search for "General Tab" --> Refer to "Service Status", suppose the status now is "Stopped"
So what you need to do is just re-select the "Start" button (Not the taskbar start button XD) in stead of the "Stop" button, then your PC sound will come back to papa.
Danny Choo
In the middle of revamping the site slightly in preparation for some new
blog posts ;-)
All the old stuff is in the Archives.
4 years ago