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Monday, March 23, 2009

一步一步來 (Step by Step)



童年時候多自在 樣樣都可愛
哥哥天天上學去 我等著他回來
爸爸笑著對我說 一步一步來
上了學校才知道 考試不可愛
上課總是看手表 哎喲假期幾時來
老師笑著對我說 一步一步來

十七八歲多古怪 學人談戀爱
情書寫了十多封 在車站苦等待
吃飯跳舞真不壞 送她回家說good night
她的媽媽開門說 你給我一步一步來
畢了業我才知道 社會更可愛
應徵前後幾十次 只有一次沒失敗
薪水不敢說出來 夜裡要把工開
現在行情壞 我的老板說 你要一步一步來

結了婚我才知道 什麼叫做債
老婆總算娶回來 沒錢生小乖乖
家俱電器真不賴 價錢更精彩
夜夜繽紛看開懷 其他一步一步來
天才不是人人做 平凡也不壞
我說搭巴士也要把隊排 你要一步一步來

This is so true. Life got no take two. So, enjoy your life in every moment!

It's them again...

"Ever since Derek and I seen those Acai pills on Cnn and Oprah we have been taking them and losing so much weight so fast with no diets or excercise , we are living proof that it works like magic and they are only five dollars now to try from http://flapmote.com"

"Howdy, I just spoke to Becca and Brice, and they told me to check out some pills they saw on Oprah. They said they lost 23 pounds in about amonth with them. Anyway you can find them here for only $5 http://fastflic.com"

"Finally I lost over 31 pounds in less then a month, these new Acai tablets that Jess and I been taking are amazing. They just work super fast on your body fat without any diets or excerice best thing? Cost just 5 dollars over at http://gladflic.com"

Yes, it's them again.

Asking me, an underweight guy, to reduce weight is so damn wrong.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Forex or not?

Forex or not?

Recently my housemate asking me to join her very own forex portfolio as she is doing well in forex industry. I am really eager to try. The leverage for forex is good. However, if u make a loss, you will lose everything.

I have discussed this investment with some friends and their reactions are vary. Some remain neutral while the others criticized the plan. So at the end of the day, I still cannot made up my mind.

But from my stock market class,

One key idea for investment is, the amount of profit that you are going to earn in the investment is the amount that you are going to lose. This is what my master taught me before.

For me, active investment plan involved your personal commitment and effort of research. However, if you are going to join for a well managed fund by another party, it will be great if you can get the return from that. But what if you suffer a loss from that investment, you cannot blame anyone even the fund managing person.

Although the statements above sounds pretty difficult to imagine. However, this is very true if you are involved in the game.

The US economic crisis is really worse now & all of the world are having consequences. Some of us lose our jobs while the others making loss in their mutual funds or investments. However, please believe yourself as we will go thru this. We invented the money and we will control them. Not money control the human.

From now on, other than for the basic need of human life: Cloth, Food, Shelter, Transport, we have to think twice before we spent the money.

iMac or not? bah, next time.
Shopping fair in London? bah next time.
Haagen-dazs ice-cream? hell not, next time.

We will get them all once we had gone thru the stupid financial crisis. Cheers! :p

"Yes, we can!"

-Lavian out-

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